Bouquet of Sunlight
Sunlight enlightened experienced florists, and that's how the idea of the Sunlight bouquet was born. Even in this case, "Sunlight" brings light into your homes, fills empty corners with bold and cheerful colors, cozy and underlines the feeling of home.
A diverse selection of flowers is typical for the Sunlight bouquet. You can see eustoma, viburnum, cluster roses, bilberry , alstromeria and antirhinum. Overall, this floral arrangement creates an optimistic and sunny impression.
It will be your ideal companion when you want to bring joy to an important person in your life.
Category: | Cut Flowers |
Sunlight enlightened experienced florists, and that's how the idea of the Sunlight bouquet was born. Even in this case, "Sunlight" brings light into your homes, fills empty corners with bold and cheerful colors, cozy and underlines the feeling of home.
A diverse selection of flowers is typical for the Sunlight bouquet. You can see eustoma, viburnum, cluster roses , blueberry, alstromeria and antirhinum. Overall, this floral arrangement creates an optimistic and sunny impression.
It will be your ideal companion when you want to bring joy to an important person in your life.
Sunlight bouquet composition:
3x Eustoma
2x Viburnum
4x Rose cluster
3x Borůvčí
3x Alstromeria
3x Antirhinum
NOTE: Each bouquet is unique, so it may not match the illustration photo one hundred percent. However, we always try to satisfy the wishes and ideas of each client. Write to us and we will be happy to agree on the color and composition.
Each bouquet will perfectly reward you for your care with abundant and long-lasting flowers if you take care of it properly. How to do it?
- Once the bouquet arrives, cut it and place it in a clean vase.
- Then cut the bouquet every other day and replace the water with fresh water.
- Give the bouquet special nutrition and don't forget to separate the older pieces from the new ones.
- Give the bouquet enough space in the right place (i.e. don't place the vase next to the fruit, for example).