Soft Kiss bouquet
Soft Kiss, a beautiful romantic bouquet of cluster roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. Perfect for all occasions.
Category: | Cut Flowers |
Soft Kiss, a beautiful romantic bouquet of cluster roses, carnations and chrysanthemums. Perfect for all occasions.
Soft Kiss bouquet composition:
3x santina, 3x carnation, 3x cluster rose, 3x ranunculus, 0.5x eucalyptus, 3x wax
NOTE: Each bouquet is unique, so it may not match the illustration photo 100%. But we always try to satisfy the wishes and ideas of each client.
Each bouquet will perfectly reward you for your care with abundant and long-lasting flowers if you take care of it properly. How to do it?
- Once the bouquet arrives, cut it and place it in a clean vase.
- Then cut the bouquet every other day and replace the water with fresh water.
- Give the bouquet special nourishment and don't forget to separate the older pieces from the new ones.
- Give the bouquet enough space in the right place (i.e. don't place the vase next to the fruit, for example).